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Join us for our bi-monthly board meeting!

Meeting Agenda

  1. Verify quorum of board members in attendance and call board meeting to order
  2. Review for approval January 29, 2020 board meeting minutes
  3. Financial
    1. Review delinquency reports as of May 19, 2020
    2. Review April 2020 balance sheet and income and expense reports
  4. Declaration use restrictions amendment – short term rentals
  5. Governing documents and recorded amendments combined
  6. North perimeter fence
  7. Future Neighborhood election meetings discussion
  8. IT Infrastructure
    1. Security Camera System
    2. Community Channel
    3. Website Progress
  9. Management
    1. Lake water control structure and pipe inspection results
    2. Vehicle parking on the streets – public and private
    3. Parking lot security
    4. Picnic table replacement
  10. Old business/New business
  11. Meeting adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: In-person attendance will be limited to adhere with social distancing guidelines.

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